“Where should my next cycling holiday be?” The guide to cycling abroad

Wondering where to go on your next cycling holiday? Whether to do it by yourself or through a guided tour? Well here are the answers to all of your questions. Cycling holidays have become extremely popular over recent years and currently cycling tour operators are traveling globally to find the best routes and provide high quality services to their riders.

When to go? February, March and April are known as the most popular months in order to travel abroad and cycle. However, the ideal time will clearly depend on the location chosen. 

Guided tour or DIY? In this situation there are clearly two different options; firstly, doing it by yourself requires a large amount of organization due to flight and transfer bookings and finding a suitable accommodation. This option may be cheaper and more recommendable but it requires high knowledge, ride planning and map reading. On the other hand, cycle providers are also highly popular as it includes accommodation, services of a mechanic if any problem appears, food, and ride planning. Therefore, even though guided tours are more expensive they may result more efficient. 

Your bike or rent? This question has become very popular since airlines have allowed to carry your bike on board for only £60, however, this does not include a bicycle bag which could severely increase the price. Renting a bike is a much cheaper option depending on the location. This option also has other downsides as the bike will have to be adjusted to your height and fit correctly. Therefore, even though it is cheaper it is more of an inconvenience.

Top 3 locations

Cape Town, Africa. Even though this is the furthest destination out of all of our top locations and can take up to 11 hours flight time from the UK, it is definitely worth a visit. Bicycle Cape is an organisation that sets up routes, services and facilities for bike visitors. They explore areas such as Cape Point Nature reserves and Mistry Cliffs. Popular months to visit are March and April.

Majorca, Spain is known as one of the most popular destinations for cyclists. Tour companies are available, which offer a wide range of cyclist hotels, bike hire facilities and many other services. The land is equally distributed and includes flat lands where cycling becomes easier and enjoyable. Mallorca 312 is a well- known organisation that offers group riding around the whole of the island, exploring the beautiful scenery and culture. February to April are well liked due to temperatures ranging from 15 to 20 degrees Celsius. 

Moraine, French Alps is an excellent place to ride road bike, it has a mesmerising scenery but it is the most expensive location even though bicycle passing is free. The land is very flat and therefore creates an easy and smooth ride. “44South” is a group of UK cyclists who currently live in Moraine and organize group rides for visitors. The flight is only 90 minutes from most UK airports and the temperatures range from 16 to 18 degrees Celsius. 

Article by Grace Staley

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