“No human can stop me from running”, Caster Semenya the fight against IAAF

On the 3rdMay 2019 Caster Semenya won the 800-metre race at the Doha Diamond league, this now becoming her 30thconsecutive winning since 2015. Semenya is highly known for naturally having higher levels of testosterone than most women in this industry.

Her winning comes two days after the 28-year-old athletic loses her battle against The International Association of Athletics Federation (IAAF) who control the rules and laws of competition track and field at the Olympics. She fought against the IAAF rules that limit the testosterone levels in female runners. The law implies that female athletes with a higher level of testosterone must take medication in order to reduce the level and not have an advantage to other competitors and be able to participate in international events. But sadly, her request to eliminate this law was rejected, therefore the 800-metre race was the last one she would do before the rules were enforced. She continues to insist on not taking the medication as this regulation is unfair, discriminating and could potentially lead to other health problems. However, the IAAF deny this matter and continue to discuss how this principle will create a fair and equal sport environment for women. Semenya refuses to give up on her fight and pursues to run in the upcoming race in Doha in September.

This issue has now led Semenya to become the centre of an ethical debate. The need for an athlete, to be on drugs, such like Caster, is cruel and should be illegal. She now has the right to appeal once again against this law to The Swiss Tribunal Courts within 30 days of the law’s enforcement.

Article by Grace Staley

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